4 x Gear Consulting

4 x Gear Consulting



You are new to the game, but want to start making music? Or you are planning to expand your Setup but need some help with choosing what to buy next? You have a limited budget but want to put together a nice Eurorack modular Synth case? You are wondering which compressor I recommend for Drums?

With this service I am offering personal consulting to help you decide how to invest into your studio or what to check out, based on what you already have and what you’re going for. I will be performing a quick interview to understand what your needs and wishes are as well as what gear you already have in your studio. After that I will do an online consultation via an online platform of choice or phone call to help you with your decision on how to upgrade your studio best.


  • online or phone call consulting of 90min

  • Interview , questionnaire and reflection on what you already have and what you are aiming for with your investment

  • Direct connections to music manufacturers like Intellijel or other designers

  • Direct connections to music stores or tips and tricks on how to get the gear best and cheapest

  • Up-to-date with special deals etc… ;-)

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Due to the high demand there may be a waiting time for your first appointment. Once you purchased your Service, please make sure to schedule your appointment right away to save your spot